New Year Updates

1. Workshops, Workshops, Workshops

In addition to De Fonte Law PC’s educational workshops for young families, I have found great satisfaction in providing insights into estate planning issues to financial advisors and insurance professionals. And in doing this I have learned so much from these professionals – tips that have enriched my practice and made me a better counselor to De Fonte Law PC clients. If your team would like to learn more about estate planning, contact me and let’s set up a lunch and learn.

2. Sponsorships

De Fonte Law PC is a proud sponsor of two nonprofits that support new families. Natural Resources was there for me in every way when I was a new mother. De Fonte Law PC is so happy to sponsor their communal space in their new location on Mission Street across from Ritual Coffee Roasters, a local, woman-owned coffee shop through which De Fonte Law PC donates coffee to local doctors and hospital staff.

I later discovered the Recess Collective – a place to meet with friends, let my toddlers roam free, and then come home to a tidy house with tired out children.

3. My Network is Your Network

I have worked hard to develop and sustain terrific professional relationships with financial advisors, insurance professionals and attorneys in a wide range of practice areas, and other professionals in a variety of businesses, from professional organizers to realtors, to ensure De Fonte Law PC clients have a team of professionals they can rely on as the years pass.

4. Networking – Where To Find Me

There are a few meet-ups you can consistently find me in. I have been a member of the Professional Women’s Network for many years. I also love the very happy lawyers at the Attorney Action Club. Last year, at the insistence of some of my favorite professional friends, I joined ProVisors. Look for me at BAWOM, the San Francisco Estates and Succession Affinity Group (where I am happy to serve as the programming chair), the LBGT+ Allies Affinity Group, and various lawyers and women’s groups in the Bay Area in the coming months – and of course let me know where to find you.

5. Client Service Package

De Fonte Law PC former clients are all invited to receive our newsletter, periodic post cards and emails, and yearly reminders to review their documents. Three years after signing, I invite them to a complimentary one-hour meeting. Statistically, big changes occur every three years – a new house, a new baby, a new job. Estate planning is never a “one and done” and an estate plan should not sit under your bed gathering dust.

6. Successor Trustee Manual

The De Fonte Law PC Successor Trustee Manual contains checklists and guidelines for the successor trustee of your revocable trust, or for any revocable trust for which you are serving as the successor trustee. Would your chosen successors know what to do if you were incapacitated or upon your death?

7. Books I Have Loved

Giftology by John Ruhlin: In a nutshell, every gift you give should be best in class and refer back to you.

Outside In by Harley Manning and Kerry Bodine: This book challenges the reader to view their services and process from the viewpoint of the client.

Show Up Hard by Shannon Weber: As a working parent, I am pulled in a lot of different directions. Like most lawyers, I am a bit of an A-type personality, I am capable and I like to roll up my sleeves and get things done. This book is a great reminder that there are different ways to help, and not all of them require gargantuan effort and time.

Published in AAC