Estate Planning Awareness

When meeting with your clients, you can casually bring up the topic of estate planning. If you know that estate planning documents have been prepared, you can inquire about the last time they were reviewed. This is incredibly important if clients mention they or their family have recently gone through a major life change that could impact their planning (e.g., marriage, divorce, births, deaths, etc.).

There are multiple benefits to having this estate planning discussion:

Showcasing your role as a connector to different professionals to meet the client’s needs

Demonstrating your expertise as you discuss real estate and Prop 13 issues with your clients, helping them maximize “step up in basis” and help their children avoid Prop 13 reassessments

Deepening your relationship with the client by demonstrating your care and attention to detail for the client and the client’s family

Allowing you to encourage proper planning so you will be familiar with the individuals you might work with in the event the client becomes incapacitated

Giving you the chance to cultivate a relationship with the extended family and become their trusted advisor, bringing in new clients and increasing the likelihood of continued assets under management

Identifying opportunities for additional products, such as life insurance or retirement accounts

Published in AAC