Category: Work-life Balance
Digital Afterlife: An Estate Plan for Your Facebook Account
Did you ever wonder what happens to your digital footprint when you pass away? Well you should, particularly if you are part of the 77 percent of Americans who go online every day. As the internet has become more of an integral part of our lives, our information — pictures, videos, financial, emails, social media…
Successor to Your Family’s Business? What You Need to Know!
Baby Boomers are retiring in ever-increasing numbers—10,000 per day by one estimate! Many of these Boomers are retiring from a business they have carefully and lovingly built over many years of sweat, tears, and much fulfillment. And as the child of a Boomer, you’re now faced with the possibility of succeeding your parents in owning…
Planning Your Summer Vacation? 5 Things to Consider Now
In many states, winter has thawed and now flowers are budding. This can only mean one thing: summer vacation planning season is here now. As vacation planning kicks into high gear, here are a few important things to add to your vacation readiness checklist. Guardian nomination If it’s just you and a spouse leaving for…
After Mindfulness Retreat
The After Mindfulness Urban Retreat is coming to the UC Berkeley Campus June 29-30th of this year. This first of its kind gathering welcomes all traditions (of Buddhisim practiced throughout the world? Or all cultures?) to experience how we are interconnected through cross-cultural friendships and dialogue. The retreat will provide the expected 1500 attendees with…
Rules of Engagement
Long ago, I was told that couples argue primarily about money, neatness and sex. In all of my years of working with couples, I can see that that is a pretty complete list. Of course, there are lots of sub-categories under each of those topics. Money also refers to differences in ambition, preferences toward planning…
Vicarious Trauma and Compassion Fatigue
Last month, in my blog on workplace bullying, I referenced a phenomenon called vicarious trauma and I’ve gotten a number of questions about what that is and what to do about it. Vicarious trauma is the cumulative effect of witnessing trauma or its after effects. Most people are not confronting trauma on a daily basis…
Do It Now: Name a Guardian for Your Minor Child(ren)
I know it’s hard. Thinking about someone else raising your children can stop you in your tracks. It feels crushing and too horrific to consider. But you must. If you don’t, a stranger will determine who raises your children if something happens to you – your children’s guardian could be a relative you despise or…
Bully-Proof Your Workplace
In my last blog, I talked about the prevalence of workplace bullying. Across industries, 27% of people will experience bullying. That number is significantly higher in the healthcare field however. Why is that? Any organization is more vulnerable to bullying during times of change and increased workload. In addition, healthcare organizations tend to have dense…
Don’t “Should” on Me
The above statement is one of my favorite bumper stickers. It is a reminder of one of the ways in which we both allow others to tyrannize us and tyrannize ourselves. When partners, whether business or personal, try to “should” on each other, intense conflict almost always results. “Shoulds” come from cultural, parental and peer…