AAC Speaker Videos Available to All AAC Members

It is our goal for the Attorney Action Club to become a valuable part of your professional life. We started this group to help you and grow your network and business. Every month our meetings have interesting and thought-provoking speakers. To help showcase our speakers, we have incorporated their talks on the AAC website.

As a member of AAC, you have access to speakers from 2018. So if you missed a month, you can log into the website, join their topic group and view their video from start to finish.  In the “Big Win” Blog, we post each time a new group and talk is available to view. In the blog, we post a teaser which links to the full-length talk.  As a member, you have full access to these videos.

In 2019, it is our goal to have each speaker videoed. These high-quality videos are done by Jason Steinberg of Steinberg Imagery. Steinberg Imagery began out of work at the SF Examiner, using storytelling to define a business of photography and videography. Today, Steinberg Imagery fulfills the marketing needs of a wide variety of clients, from family-run businesses to large corporations. Each of his videos are done in high quality, professional way; they are not merely a camera recording. Jason takes the time to edit, add music and create a teaser. Each one is truly a showpiece.

We invite you to check out the videos from 2018. Find the ‘Groups section of the website which you can locate under the ‘About AAC’ section at the top of the home page.  Once an AAC member, you join a group and you will then be able to view the past videos. You can also peruse the Big Win Blog to see which speakers from 2018 have videos and view the teasers there.

Leo and I believe passionately that these videos are important. They achieve the relevant and interesting information you as speakers bring to our organization. We encourage you to take advantage of viewing them and engage with the speakers in their AAC Groups on the website.