[5/14/20 Zoom Meeting] Alcoholism, Addiction, Mental Health and Stress in the Era of COVID-19


Alcoholism, Addiction, Mental Health and Stress in the Era of COVID-19 webinar was presented by Gary Gwilliam

Drinking for stress has always been a major problem for our profession.

The stress, anxiety and real concern we all feel at this time of the Covid 19 pandemic only adds to the problem.I have been speaking to lawyers on this topic for many years. One of my talks is entitled “Am I Drinking Too Much is a Rhetorical Question.” In this time of sheltered in and law offices only operating remotely, it’s time to address this issue with both old and new ways to avoid old excesses and find new ways to navigate these troubled waters.

Please note this video is not offered for MCLE credit. We are only authorized to give credit to those who attend at the time of the presentation.