[10/17/19 AAC Live Recording] The Systems and Strategies Behind a Profitable Law Firm


The Systems and Strategies Behind a Profitable Law Firm by Al Stoll, Leo Manzione, and Russell Goodrow

Join your hosts, Al Stoll and Leo Manzione, for more proven practices for successful law practice. Russell Goodrow will join as we discuss a specific opportunity each firm faces…

  • Are you fulfilled and earning your full potential within your practice?
  • Have you ever considered practicing in a different area of law?
  • When should you transition and when should you add?
  • What should you consider before pursuing either option?
  • How do I pursue either path successfully?
  • Success stories, as well as failures, from two firms in the SF Bay Area. One firm added an area of practice and another transitioned.
  • Specific tools, techniques, and systems that helped each firm succeed.
  • Strategies that apply to every stage of a firm from solo practitioner to multi-million dollar law firm. Whether or not they are adding or transitioning areas of practice.

Please note this video is not offered for MCLE credit. We are only authorized to give credit to those who attend at the time of the presentation.