[June 2019 Video] Business Succession Planning in the Internet Age | Doug Bend and Megan Yip

About the Event
“Business Succession Planning in the Internet Age” presented by Doug Bend and Megan Yip.

Doug Bend is the founder of Bend Law Group, PC, a law firm focused on advising small businesses and startups. He has been featured in numerous publications, including The Washington Post, The Huffington Post, Fox Business, MSN, Inc., and Forbes. Megan Yip helps attorneys, tech companies, families, and organizations address how to better plan for difficult situations presented by incapacity and death, in a world with an ever-changing tech landscape. She provides legal assistance, information, tools, and resources to guide you through the maze of what should be done with digital assets in the case of incapacity or death. She has helped families with estate planning, and post-death administration while working at Legal Aid of Marin, while working on the Policy Team at Twitter, and now in her own private practice.

The key learning points are:

  • The Importance of thinking about worst-case scenario planning for your business, including contemplating an injury that affects your ability to work or your death.
  • Why should consideration and intentional use of your technology infrastructure be part of your personal estate plan and especially your business succession plan?
  • How to include your technology infrastructure as part of your estate and succession plan. – How to build a team of professionals who can help you keep your technology and worst-case scenario plans working together.