We have the knowledge, ideas, and resources to help

Dear AAC Community –

“It isn’t events themselves that are stressful: It’s our perception of them.” Doc Childre

As a community of lawyers and people who support lawyers, we have the knowledge, ideas, and resources to help people that have been affected by the current situation.  We all must look into our heart and ask ourselves what we can do to help someone that has been affected by COVID-19.

  1. Take steps to reach out to any people that have recently lost their job. Simply letting them know you are available to help is huge!
  2. Reach out to your business owner clients and let them know you are here to help with any legal related issues that have arisen during this challenge.
  3. Offer to help any doctors and health care workers that have legal concerns, issues or simply need help with anything.

Our firm, AGS, is offering pro bono legal advice to help people directly affected by COVID-19, healthcare workers, doctors, any recently unemployed workers and the elderly in seclusion.  It is also helpful to reassure restaurant or hotel workers that if their landlord tries to evict them, Daniel Wayne and Jason Wolford stand ready to help!

As legal professionals, this is the time to reach out to anyone in need and offer to help.  People may be scared or anxious. The simple act of taking their call and letting them know you as a lawyer or person who supports lawyers stands ready and willing to help is very calming to a person that is anxious! As lawyers, we have the skills to protect people that have become vulnerable, including our front line health care workers that are running fearlessly straight into this challenge.

Let’s all give and give some more now! Goto websites like Charity Navigator, Go Fund Me, Global Giving and Relief International and give what you can.

If you need a Mindset reminder right now, =) watch Pradnya and Leo’s AAC presentation.  It’s posted right here.
