Author: Diane L. Camacho


    Practical Legal Management: Trust Accounting 101 I will not be quoting rules and citing case law. The purpose of this article is to give best practices for managing Client Trust Accounts in California Law Firms. We have found in our work that law firms sometimes need guidance on trust account management. Firms do not intentionally…

  • Down and Dirty Security for Small Law Firms

    No Questions, No Answers, Just Smart Business Practices In The Age Of Cyber Theft And Ransom We are all subject to cyber crimes. It doesn’t matter what size law firm you have. According to a security blog HashedOut, more than 22% of ransomeware attacks in Q1 2019 targeted professional services organizations (CPAs & Law Firms).…

  • No, Practice Management Software Is Not A Requirement

    No, Practice Management Software Is Not A Requirement

    We all want to become more organized. It would be great if there were some sort of magic software that would allow us to organize our work and thoughts simply. Practice management software claims to be that magic. There must be hundreds of software solutions on the market for law firms. Developers see that we…

  • Why Are Generations So Different At Work?

    Why Are Generations So Different At Work?

    Our work ethic, trust and commitment are developed during our formative years. We learn these traits from our parents, teachers, world events, media, etc. If we look at the generations currently in the work force and associate their behavior to the world during their developmental years, it will help us understand each other. Understanding each…